Sunday, August 17, 2014

VIÑA, ¡DÉJAME DORMIR POR FAVOR! (17 de agosto de 2014)

Reloj de flores

Sorry it took me so long to post a blog.  I’ve been enjoying my time here and doing everything else.  But I haven’t forgotten about you all.

Okay, for those who’ve already translated the title, let me explain.  Every morning and evening at 8:00, except Sundays, there is so much traffic that it wakes me out my sleep/nap.  People just honk for no reason.  If there is space in front of a car at a red light, another car will honk so that the car can scoot up.  I live on a one-way street and it seems like the entire city is trying to get down that street, los bomberos, los carabineros… todo el mundo.  Sometimes at night, there is a group playing music and singing.  It’s like a mini-concert out my window.

Overall, I’m doing just fine, still adjusting to this weather (-_-).  Stress-free, no schedules to follow (besides school), eating, and living in the moment…  It’s like I have so much time to reflect on life and myself.  I have time to think about yesterday, today, AND tomorrow.  Everyday I wake up and feel happy and excited about the day.  Not worried about a 8-hour shift, 16 hours of school, if there is something edible in the dining hall...I wake up and live in the moment.  I’ve realized you can’t always worry about yesterday and tomorrow,  you have to focus and live now.  It’s much more enjoyable when you live in the now!! I mean I am in Chile! :P  I always appreciate what God bless me with, and being here in Chile, I appreciate it evenmore.  Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate what I got here in Chile.  There is a lesson in every class session of LIFE!  I love the life I’m currently growing in here.  I can say that I’m becoming a more well-rounded person.  This experience isn’t for everyone, must  I say, but I’m thankful I got it!  Oh, I do go to school btw… I had two papers due last week and I already have my first presentation due Monday.  So stop thinking that I’m partying everyday and don't go to school, because I do..  :P

So after I become fluent in Spanish, I’m going to learn French.  Apparently, I look French here.  I was out with my right-hand gringa, Kimmy Quick, and this French guy came up to me speaking French non-stop.  Umm.. yo no entiendo o_o.  And this other Chileno ask me if I was francés and Jenny if she was alemán.  No señor, sólo americanas.

Don't laugh,but I finally got my Chilean phone... you'll start thinking back between 2002-2008

"Call me, beep me, if you want to reach me!" can scroll now!!

Mi Actividades

So last weekend, Kim and I went out for the night and we had our 1st sleepover!  It was nice spending the night.  I had the opportunity to meet her familia chilena. We hung out again this week as well.

Mis Chicas

My Right-hand Gringa and I

Since I don’t have classes on Friday, Jenny and I decided to take a trip to the beach and check out the market there.  I found some things I want to purchase, and I got the rest of the year to buy it.


Alemán y Francés

When I came back home, I made panqueques with my mamá.  It’s like pancakes rolled up with caramel-like dulce on the inside.  ¡Que Rico!

(2/15 Panqueques)

My other sister, Kika, is in town, and for the past three nights, the family (including me) has been watching movies.  My sister, Leslie, did my nails and made me golden (sorry Mrs. Amy). Family time is always great!   Saturday, a group of us decided to go to the sand dunes near ConCon, and let’s say it was an awesome and painful time. I'm still alive and don't keep replaying the some sympathy  We basically had a nap, picnic, and fun in the sand (minor turn-up), and ending it by watching the sun set!  It went from about  25°C to 9°C in a matter of seconds.  You know that didn’t go well for me.

Alec, I, Lucas, Josiah, Calley, Zane and Jenny

Alec making his sand chair


On "Campsite" Watch
"Kids Don't Try This at Home!"

Sandboarding Aftermath


So I want to give a BlogShoutout to my friend Alec.  He is a very kind and caring person.  He did two good deeds in the same day on our trip to and from ConCon.  While we were waiting for others to meet us at the bus stop, this lady’s vehicle stopped and he (along with Josiah) help push it to the gas station parking lot.  Then on our way back home, at the bus stop we saw a man who cut his hand on something and blood was all over his hand.  I’m sure already know what happened… Alec found a bandage in his backpack and gave it to the man.  I just wanted you all to know that Alec is a great person even abroad!

“Only by Giving are you able to receive More than you already have” - Jim Rohn

Well, that’s all for now.  Until my next adventures, stay tuned!


Fotos de las semanas

Día del Niño

My Chilean Pesos

My brother Jon Willis

Selfie in the Sand

Sunset from the Sand Dunes

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