Sunday, August 3, 2014

28 de julio de 2014

Buenos días.  I haven't had good sleep like what I had last night since sometime during the school semester.  I slept for 10+ hours comfortably and relaxed.  It is still surreal to me that I'm actually here in Chile.  I wake up and this is my view....
View from my balcony
  I don't wake up to this in Texas nor Arkansas.  Well, es lunes, el primer día de la semana.  My journey continues.

This morning, we had orientation... OMG!!  Must I say, the things we needed to know was crazy.  Las arañas rincones are very poisonous spiders that can be found any and everywhere.  It's similar to the Brown Recluse.  Drinking in public places, including the beach, in Chile is illegal.  So you party people, you can't party to hard here.  The thieves here are something serious.  I know thieves are everywhere, but the fact that this is their profession that they wake up daily for.  If they get caught, they are locked up until the evening and released back into the streets.  They use lotion to make their hands smooth so that people can't feel them.  They work in groups and people will not stand up to them.  They do some other crazy things, but don't let that scare you.  Just have to be extra cautious of your surrounds and blend in to the society.  Another problem, like almost everywhere else, is fake money.  Counterfeiting money is real here.  The 10.000 CP ($20USD) and 20.000 CP ($40USD) are the bills that may be sketchy, so they told us to avoid getting those bills and get smaller ones.  I'll keep you updated on the "1-on-1 Chile: Need To Know."

So today we went to downtown Santiago.  We had an adventure en el Mercado Central.  It was like seafood everywhere.  You seafood eaters would love it here.  If you know me, you know I don't eat seafood.  BUT, I sucked it up and joined my group for lunch.  I was basic and ate empanadas con queso.  Our waiter had a mini crush on me O_o... he thought I was very beautiful and couldn't stop looking at me.  He sang to me with the group of musicians, blew kisses while taking others orders, and apparently made hearts and pointed at me while I wasn't looking.  It was a bit uncomfortable for me after 10 minutes, but that's just how Chilean males express their feelings.  Unlike American men, Chilean men express their feelings...but that's none of my business. Hahah!!!  After that, we went to Plaza de Armas.  We walked around that area and saw the Catedral y el Paseo Ahumada.
El Mercado Central

Donde Augusto (Seafood Restaurant)

Panoramic view of Plaza del Armas

el Catedral

El Catedral

Cristo crucificado

Arte callejero (Street Art)
         Arte callejero (Street Art)

So... for those who don't know, la presidenta de Chile es Michelle Bachelete.  I studied some of the politics in Latin American Civilizations, taught by Profesora Abreu-Torres, en general, las mujeres en las políticas en América Latina.  Anyways, I basically toured the building she worked in.  It was like going to the White House, pero se llama el Palacio Presidencial la Moneda en Chile.  I didn't get to see her, but it was cool to be in the same building she works in.  I haven't even been IN the White House, only outside the gates. -__-
El Palacio Presidencial la Moneda

Julianna and I with the guard
Después de la orientación, we walked the streets of Chile and went out to TurnUp!!! Naw not really thou.  Julianna (she's a blogger, you should check her out. She has a business card and everything.), Erick and I went to this bakery, Castaño and got somes sweets.  Later that night, we met with some of the others and went to this nice fancy restaurant. So fancy that we didn't even know what the food was. Like how collegiates or young people go to fancy restaurants and don't know how to pronounce foods and drinks. Like why are you hear?? But we all enjoyed our food and drinks. I had a daiquiri piña... it was delicious!  After that we headed back to the rooms, and I talked with my roommates for an hour, and we passed out by midnight!


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