Sunday, August 3, 2014

02 de agosto de 2014

ABOUT LAST NIGHT?!?!?!?  O_o.. ummmmmmmmm.... They say pictures are worth a thousand words :]  I will allow you all to assume what I did.  I'll just say I had a good time for my first FRIDAY night in Chile with my sister.  TURNDOWN FOR WHAAAAAA....

Leslie y yo

Anyways... with two hours of sleep, I have to make it through orientation and tours today.  So we went to the university that I'll be studying at, Universidad Adolfe Ibáñez.  The campus is beautiful.  At the school, I have the best view of Viña.  (You'll see pictures later on.)  Because classes start in TWO DAYS................. -______-, we got a tour of the school and our finalized schedule.  Let me just say I can't go out on Sundays, nor will my Mondays be the best day of the week for 5 months.  I'll explain why Monday.

After the campus tour, we went to downtown Viña, which isn't that far from where I live, and chilled for some time.  We headed to a park (I think) and went to the beach after.  Spring is around the corner, and you best believe I will be at the beach every week!  With you all readying my blog, you can tell that I have been to a lot of places and done lots of things.  BELIEVE ME, we are all drained, tired, didn't want to go to some events, but it's all worth it.  Sybille, Sarah, and I were having a conversation with Carolina y María José (our directors) about how much we appreciate their time and taking us to all these places, showing us Valpo y Viña.  They are tired as well.  They brought in another group the week before we got there.  I'd be tired too!  Honestly, I know some of the places we've been to I would have not gone to on my own or even found.  I have some friends in San Antonio that have lived their forever but don't know half of the places I've been to.  People don't feel the need to venture out and explore in their home city.  They just go or know of places that are poplar or what the city is known for.  I may complain about how tired I am, but at least I have a valid reason, I'm exploring beautiful cities in the country of Chile.  This is a ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME experience!!  I have to live it up!
[Side-note:  So I'm not a fan of sweets, desserts, etc.  In Costa Rica, I tried this cookies and cream ice cream and fell in love.  Once I got back to the states, I started eating that flavor wherever it was offered.  Nothing compared to the Costa Rican ice cream.  So when I landed in Santiago, I keep asking our directors where I could find the best cookies and cream ice cream.  So finally they surprised me today and said that I can get it at the ice cream shop near the beach.  You should have seen how excited I was.  I looked like a little girl finally getting a toy I wanted.]

Galletas y crema de helado

Alec and I

La playa de Reñaca

Viña del Mar

Fotos del día

Erick, Ariel, and I

We're just enjoying Chile!

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