Sunday, August 3, 2014

29 de julio de 2014

Buenos días. So this morning I got up at 7:30 am...just laying in bed looking at my amazing view.  I finally get use to las reglas del baño.  Just like in Costa Rica, you couldn't flush toilet paper down the toilet. It's going to be interesting to do this for 5 months and come back to los Estados Unidos.  If you flush toilet paper, there's  a possibility that you'll clog the pipes because they are really small.  Some of you may know that I love watching CNN in the morning. 
CNN en español
 During orientation today, we finished talking about living with Chilean families. Living with them, we become one of their children, have to follow their rules (understandable), and the mothers become overprotective of us.  They began to think the worst situation we could possibly be in if they don't here from us O_o. This is very different for me back en los Estados Unidos.  My mother and father exaggerate the worst situation when they don't hear from me lolz...but it's the norm.   It cost $10 USD for Chileans to see the cost me $66 USD to see the doctor. What's the deal America?? Chileans are people pleasers. Lolz ..Sarcasm is real down here.  I may fit right in.  And Chileans talk about one another to make each other feel better about themselves. Let someone talk about someone else en los Estados Unidos.... it's about to be a fight or some words given. Apparently,  we need to take a chill pill.

For some odd reason, I do intersting things abroad before I do it in the US.  Can you guess what I did this morning?
YES.. I went to a vineyard and went wine tasting.  It's called "Cousiño Macul."  It was nice.  At the end we tasted wines, of course.... the guide gave me and little more because I asked our directors if we could try the second wine. They didn't want us drunk that early in the day. The alcohol here in drinks is more than en EEUU.  Apparently we were late for our next excursion, so I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to buy the summer wine. Oh well... I'll be living in "Viña del Mar". If you know what that means, you'll understand! 




Drinking to a great time in Chile

Let me just say, it is beautiful here in Santiago.   Everywhere we go, the sceneries here are just gorgeous.  At Cerro Santa Lucía, the place where Santiago was founded, we got to see Santiago at a different view.



After that excursion, we went on an adventure taking the metro. I love taking the metros and when I get to Viña, I'm getting a pass to ride it everywhere. 



After our last orientation,  I headed back to the room and relaxed for a while. Sybille and I took an adventure to el supermercado. You know we haven't forgot that we're college students, so we had to find the best deals for products in the store. I couldn't find any tv dinners to eat, so I bought (don't judge) Ramen Noodles.  Don't worry, I have 5 months to eat Chilean home cooked meals!  

It was a struggle at first trying to use these devices.  Don't you think?

Fotos del día

You know what it is.
(Se ven en la montañas en la ambiente)

Sybille and I

Rachel, Sierra, and I en el Cerro Santa  Lucía

Selfie game with Erick

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