Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Reporting Live From Chile (03 de agosto de 2014)

This morning you know I had to go to church with Pastor Haynes at Friendship West!

The sermon came out of Matthew 16:21-23, "Fatal Distractions."  That was a sermon I needed to hear.  I liked when he said that "we're in transition so that God can move us to a position and we can reach our destination!"  We have to go through the adversities in our lives to get to our destiny.  Let me tell you,  I went through a lot of adversities to get to Chile.  It wasn't an easy road.

Reporting live from Viña del Mar, Chile on this lovely Sunday, I'm Breanna Willis.  Thank you for tuning in with us today.  With beautiful weather today, my family and I took a stroll to the beach.  No better way to spend a lovely afternoon with the family in Viña del Mar.  On our way to the beach, we walked through the parks,  watch the ducks swim, and stopped for ice cream and cupcakes.

Can't really see ducks here

Doble Oreo
We get to the beach, and Esmerald and I started finding las Fragatas Portuguesas (very dangerous jellyfish) on the shore.

Fragata Portuguesa
As Emerald was poking at these Jellyfish with a stick, I'm observing her, I started feeling like I was being watched.  I look up, it's the news crew filming us.  How in the world did I, out of all people, end up being filmed by the news crew.  So I walked off (with Esmeralda still in my sight) so she could get her camera time.  As I started walking along the shore, I noticed the camera man ZOOMING IN on me!!  Sir! I don't want to be recorded.  Mi mamá y hermana were laughing saying that I was going to be famous.  Lolz...

Got them when they weren't looking!
So if I end up on the news, it's not because I done something wrong, I was just there at that time they were filming.  I'll post the video if I end up making the edited film.
After that, we headed home.  They waves were getting kind of crazy.

Mamá, Emeralda y yo

Leslie y yo
As we headed home, we saw some cool/crazy things.  There were "clowns" clowning around and street art.

I thought about adding a food post, but I thought I would just include it on my days.  So we went to the restaurant, and we had a "famous Chilean dish," Chorrillana.  Chorrillanas consist of french fries, strips of beef, eggs, onions, and sausages.  It was very good.  Another "famous Chilean dish" is los Completos.  It's the large hot dog in the background.  It's a hot dog with tomatoes, guacamole, and mayonnaise.  I'm going to just stick with "incompletos" (my version of the Completo with just a hot dog topped with mustard and ketchup)!

Well I have school en la manaña.  Chao!

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