Sunday, September 28, 2014


Even Google knows what time it is.

It seems that everything started happening once time went forward an hour on the 7th.  Daylight savings exist here... Es la primavera!!

Un viaje a Olmué con Jenny
My adventurous partner-in-crime, Jenny, and I went to Olmué for a weekend.  Her chilean uncle has a house in Olmué that he let us stay in for the weekend.  Let me tell you, it was very peaceful and relaxing.  We had homework to do, but we were so distracted by the environment we were surrounded in, we didn’t get much done.  It’s beautiful in Olmué.  On our way back, we checked out the central area of Olmué so we could know what we wanted to get next time we go back.  So when I say we are “adventurous”, I really mean it.  For some reason, we had this bright idea to walk back to the metro station.  We “thought” we know our way and took this one LEFT that led us to the road of struggles.  We walked for 3 hours until we found a micro stop and rode it to the metro station (15 min ride).  We took the longest route ever, by going the farthest direction from Limache then heading towards Limache.  My feet were hurting so bad that I got blisters.  Believe me, next time we’re taking the bus from Olmué.  

View from my window.

Sunset behind the mountains.

El Día de Voluntad
If there is ever an opportunity for me to do community service wherever I am, I will serve.  So a group of ISA students went to a little school on the outskirts of Valparaiso and we had different tasks there.  I helped create a little village for enanos (dwarfs) with los niños.

Celebración de la Independencia de Chile con ISA
So September 18, the entire country of Chile turns-up for Independence Day.  So ISA took us to Parque Quebrada Verde the Friday before (12th) to have a picnic with us and teach us cultural games, dances, and give us cultural food (choripanes y empanadas) that’s prepared during Fiesta Partrias.  It was a great time.  We really enjoyed ourselves.  Some of the games I recognized from what we do in the US.  Now one game I participated in, I forgot the name but my partner, Caroline, and I had to eat an apple off a string.  I have the video, but I think it’s just one of those things you have to see in person. :P


After that, my adventurous partner-in-crime and I walked around Valpo and then walked back to Vina.  We noticed some things we never seen when we pass by through bus.  It’s always interesting to notice things you never see when you don’t take time to look at it.

A Day at Concón
*Don't know why I use the word casual so much and show an awful view of the moutains*

Merluza con Arroz y Ensalada

Celebración de la Independencia de Chile en mi universidad
My school had a little celebration on the plaza. They grilled choripanes (my favorite) and had students from a dance class perform Cueca. By the way,  I only had two days of classes this week because of the holiday.

Celebración de la Independencia de Chile con mi familia
My little sister Esmy had a dance at her school (we were late and missed it O_o), and we got to see the students of the school perform Cueca.  On 18th, my dad was on the grill, grilling it up.  We had a great lunch and time celebrating.  The morning of the 19th I went to my dad’s other house with Esmy and later on, as a family, we went to jardín botánico to have lunch there.  Having a picnic there was very relaxing and soothing.  When I say the streets were dead those two days, there was not a soul (maybe like two or three people) in the streets.  My dad says that no one should be working besides the police officers, bus drivers, firefighters, etc.  You have to buy food for all meals for two days, if not, you’re out of luck!

Mi hermanita y sobrinito

Papa y yo

Mi mama y hermanas

Blog Shout-Out
So I have two blog shout-outs this time…

This first one goes to Kendall.  So as you know, my literature class is in Spanish.  We had to do a presentation in that class with a Q/A at the end.  It was just Kendall and I (our other two group members were traveling), and we both were on different schedules making us unable to practice together.  Mind you, we can’t use any English because not everyone understands it, including the professor. I wasn’t able to read the work, but because he read it and I was able to translate the information, we ended up doing good!  It was alright for our first presentation.  He was worried, but I was confident in him as well as our presentation.  Good Job Kendall!

Second shout-out goes to my lovely parents.  I’ve been having the munchies at night lately and craving my favorite American snacks.  Love and behold, they send me a box of goodies!  God is good!!   They are the REAL MVPs.  XOXOXO

Well thanks all for now.

Hasta la próxima…


Fotos de las semanas

Thursday, September 4, 2014

It’s My 1 Month Anniversary (9 de septiembre de 2014)

Well, today marks 1 month and 8 days that I have been in Chile.  Wow, how time has gone by…
What am I missing? The chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-a, a junior bacon cheeseburger (w/o tomatoes and pickles) and a medium fry from What-A-Burger, and P.F. Chang’s.

So in the past two weeks a lot of things have been happening…

2 Saturday’s ago was el cumpleaños de mi papa.  We had a good lunch and dulces for a lifetime.  I’m surprised that I haven’t had a sugar rush.  I don’t eat much sweets back in the states, and the way I eat it here, you wouldn't even believe it.  I’m telling you, you’ll start eating everything abroad. (Not really)


“Movimiento telúrico fue de 6,4 Richter” El 23 de agosto de 2014 a las 6:32pm, I experienced my first earthquake. I was getting ready to get in the shower and all of a sudden the house started shaking and things started falling off the shelves. Mi hermana lloró porque ella preocupada por mí. Ella estaba con nuestra familia en el mall y yo estaba en la casa. Estuve feliz porque mi prima estaba en la casa también y ella habla inglés. So I was confused and excited at the same time.  Mi prima came out the room startled and looked at me to see if I was okay.  She probably thinks I’m crazy because I was concerned about everything else.  I asked her: “What happens to businesses now?” “Are products up for grabs or its just a lost? “Do prices go up now on products?”  She was like, “ummm, I never really thought about that...o_O”  Lolz.  Well after that, we felt some tremors here and there, and the night just carried on like nothing ever happened. I'm okay and doing fine, it you were wondering.

My trip to SAN ANTONIO, Not Texas!!

So like I said… we just carried on like nothing ever happened.  Sunday, we went to Isla Negra, San Antonio, Chile to see Pablo Neruda’s THIRD house.  Like this man has three houses in three different cities of Chile.  “OH HE GOT MONEY!!”  After we looked around and explored the area, we went to Pomaire, a little town known for their arts&crafts.  You can get pots and pans and other handcrafts for really cheap.  Not really good business for them since they aren’t popular with tourism.

Acting Like I'm Listening to the Guide

1/2 Kilo Empanada (Napolitana)

Living young, and wild and free!
So I’m in Chile and I can’t just sit in the house and do nothing...I get out and explore.
I probably told you already, but my girl Sybille loves to eat out and try different foods.  She wanted me to go with her to this restaurant call “A Mano.”  I recommend it to anyone that comes to Viña.  The restaurant made us feel like we were in a dorm room. It had a nice feeling with music composed of different genres of the 80s.

Papas covered with Mayo and seasonings

CHEDDAR: cebolla-caramelizada, tocino, huevo-frito

We love to have a good time with one another, so we go out and have a good time and make memories.  Boy, we have some interesting nights.  Lolz…  Oh the BEST LINE YET: “You look like Alicia Keys and I love black women.  Buy this flower sweetie.” Hahahahaha….

Mis Chicas


Final trip of the week was a trip to La Campana, un parque nacional.  I’m use to an altitude of 772 ft. (235m) above sea level.  Hiking at La Campana, we reached 3,488.93 ft.  You know I was about to die out there.  Everyone else lives in Colorado, so this ain’t nothing for them.  What’s even funnier, they chose the most difficult route (-__-).  Even though I was in the back, I make it to the top.  Lucas and I found a “Zorro Chilla” (South American Gray Fox) on the trail and named him Pringles. We’ll actually I just had this feeling something was behind me and turned around and found him.  You’ll never guess how he got his name!  When we reached Area La Mina, we explored the hole in the rock.  We were a little concerned that we may find a puma on the path way, but that didn’t stop our journey.  It was bad weather this Sunday, so we didn’t really have good views.  I’ll go back when the weather is better and get amazing photos.  I was physically fit for this trip, because on the way down I was booking it.  I won’t lie, my thighs were burning.

Don't They Look America?

PUMA den

Isn't it a beautiful view? -__-

I finally made it to the top (first one to be exact)!!

Pringles aka Staxx

"The Cave of No Return"

God said, "Let there be light!"

[photo cred: Lucas Cozby]

My Time at Home…
is great.  I really feel like I’m apart of the family.  My spanish is getting better… well that’s because my sister told on me.  She told mi mama that I was speaking English to my American friends. -__- Mi mama told me that I needed to be practicing my Spanish with everyone, including English speakers.  At night mi papa and I have conversations and talk about different topics.  He reminds me of my dad back home.  He's a good cook and always cracking jokes (he's low-key childish).  His response to everything is “GREAT!”  It’s the funniest thing ever.  Lolz.  When he says his select few English phrases, it’s the funniest thing ever.  Now, every time I learn a new word or phrase, I write it down in “Mi Cuaderno Espanol” or in the notes section of my iPod.  I’m able to ask questions and understand what is really happening in these Chilean streets.  HEALTH ALERT FROM MI MAMA!!  So I have a restriction on the amount of sugar I can put on mi arroz y avena.  Mi mama told me that it’s not good for my health (as she pours salt on her food).  Lolz.. We stay joking with one another.  My little sister is a mess.  She always trying to compete with me in something.  One night we had a jump-off with jump ropes and another night with karaoke.  Saturday we had family night watching this game show “Juga 2”, Mama and I were the Red team and Esmy was the Blue team.  The Red team won and Emsy cut us both off. #Dead

Well, that’s all I have for now.  Until next time…


Fotos de las semanas

Papa John's Night with the Crew

One of my many delicious home-cooked meals!
The view from UAI